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Rules & Regulations

These Rules and Regulations partially exist to execute the International Club Winterthur’s Statutes and must be read in conjunction with the Statutes.  

A friendly, fun environment that connects, supports and assists individuals and families living in Winterthur region, Switzerland to integrate into the community.
The International Club Winterthur is a non-political, non-profit, English-speaking association regulated by Swiss law. The Club is run by an Executive Committee elected bi-annually by the members. The Executive Committee organises and provides oversight of the Club’s finances, activities and strategic direction.   

The International Club Winterthur is run by and for its members and membership is considered compulsory for frequent attendees. Once individuals have attended two Club activities they will be approached by an Executive Committee member to consider applying for membership. It is expected that people who want to keep attending Club activities after this time will apply.
Membership is applied for by completing and signing the Club’s membership form and paying the membership fee.  The applicant will be informed of their membership acceptance or otherwise.  
In 2019, the membership fees are:
Individual Membership         CHF 50 p.a.

Family/Household Membership     CHF 75 p.a.

Membership Renewal
Every member will automatically receive a membership renewal each year requesting payment of the membership fee within 30 days.

Membership Termination   
Termination of the International Club Winterthur is possible by providing notice to an Executive Committee member at any time. The membership fee shall not be refunded.
Where a current member has not paid their membership renewal after 2 requests they will be considered to have terminated their membership.


Code of Conduct
The International Club Winterthur provides a meeting point for people of different nationalities and for different reasons. The International Club Winterthur is non-sexist, non-ageist,

non-religious and non-racist.  
Unacceptable physical, discriminatory or other inappropriate behaviour by individuals will not be tolerated.
Individuals should not market themselves and their businesses during activities and events.  
Please note that behaving in contrast to the Club Code of Conduct could lead to
removal/refusal of membership.

Activities / Events
Members are entitled to join all events/activities offered by the Club, some of which however may require an additional fee. Individual events may be on a closed basis (i.e. for full members only) or some events may be open to family and friends; again a fee may be charged
for additional attendees at these events.
It is requested that members provide appropriate notice of their inability to attend a previously RSVPd event/activity. As the Club frequently makes financial commitments based on attendance RSVPs, fees may be charged for no-shows or late cancellations.

Members are responsible for their own belongings at Club activities/events.

The Club is grateful for activity ideas and members are encouraged to approach the Activities Coordinators if they have ideas for, or interest in, running an event.

The Club may promote activities through its social media pages where the Club believes it to be of benefit to its members. This can include:

  • Information and photos about ICW activities and events

  • Interesting non-club activities occurring in and around Winterthur

  • Private members events – e.g. getting together a group to go to the theatre

Posts promoting private companies or businesses (including member’s businesses) or personal requests are not acceptable. The exceptions to this rule are sponsors and the Meetup Discussion Page which can be used to request assistance, support or information from other members.  
The Club will not promote specific political or religious activities unless there is a clear general education purpose such as, for example, how to vote sessions.


Supporting Club Functions
There are many ways members can support the Club, e.g., by helping organise or volunteering at activities, supporting social media, writing documentation, marketing, finding sponsors or joining the Executive Committee. To become more involved in the Club,
please contact a member of the Executive Committee.

Photographs are taken at all International Club activities and events and may be posted on the Club’s website or social media pages. Attendance at an event/activity is seen as the attendee’s approval to have their photo published unless they:
a) Inform the Activity organiser that they do not want a photograph showing their face published

b) Note in the appropriate column of the Activity Attendee Sheet that they do not want their photograph published.

If a member has an issue or a complaint, they are encouraged to take the issue to a member of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee member will try to resolve the issue with the member immediately. If this is not possible then the member can ask for the issue to be brought in writing to the Executive Committee for resolution. The Executive Committee will discuss the issue at its next Executive Committee.
The member will be informed of the attempted resolution in writing.  
The Executive Committee may request that the member attends the
Executive Committee meeting to bring the issue up in person or they may discuss the issue privately. The member can make an appeal to the Executive Committee in writing within one month of receiving the outcome. If the issue cannot be resolved after the appeal decision, then the Club reserves the right to request an independent mediator.

The Club takes members privacy seriously.
Members details will never be passed or sold on to third parties.

Original Rules and Regulations created 2006.  
Updated version approved by the Executive Committee in January 2020.

Copyright © 2019-2024 International Club Winterthur

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